Students are not able to balance the 'fun' of the season with the responsibilities a full load carries. Many work to pay for items that could be delayed - instant gratification seems to be a continuous holdover from one generation to the next. Couldn't students 'rough it' a few years, live on-campus, take the bus, wear clothes that are less expensive and require less maintenance, forgo the latest phone, I-pod, laptop, stay out of the mall... you get the picture. It amazes me how many students desire (and purchase) new cars with huge rims, but won't buy required textbooks for class and then, after failing a few tests or assignments because they were incomplete or failed to follow directions, say that they simply could not afford to purchase books (while texting a friend, sporting the latest coiffure, and flashing either a gold grill or mega gold jewelry). I know, it could have been a gift, it could have been handed to them by a family member - but, wouldn't you say to a cash wielding relative who is bent on buying you something that you would rather he or she purchase your books for English or African History?
I am also amazed by the fantastic lies I have been told over the years. There are too many to name, but look for the book at a store nearest you (once I get the time to write and publish it). It is alarming since I teach in the 'Bible belt' and an overwhelming percentage of my students say they are Christian and believe in the adage, "What goes around, comes around" a.ka. "karma." What is more alarming is that I teach English education and elementary education majors - future teachers. These future teachers have stated in many discussions or assignments just how strict they plan to be on their students and how they are not going to believe anything they say without substantial proof, yet they clearly don't practice what they plan to preach. If teachers lose their honesty and integrity, they will also lose respect; a dishonest teacher who lacks integrity and respect among his or her peers or students should simply not be teachers....
If not for football and family, fall would simply be just another 16 weeks of average educational humbug. Are you ready for some football?!

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